
After deploying an alchemiscale instance, it is necessary to manage the instance, especially the state maintained in its state store. This document details common operations an administrator may need to perform over the life of the instance to keep it in good working order.

Adding users

To add a new user identity, you will generally use the alchemiscale CLI:

export NEO4J_URL=bolt://<NEO4J_HOSTNAME>:7687

# add a user identity, with key
alchemiscale identity add -t user -i <user identity> -k <user key>

# add one or more scopes the user should have access to
alchemiscale identity add-scope -t user -i <user identity> -s <org-campaign-project> -s ...

To add a new compute identity, perform the same operation as for user identities given above, but replace ``-t user`` with ``-t compute``. Compute identities are needed by compute services to authenticate with and use the compute API.

docker-compose deployment

For a docker-compose-based deployment, it is easiest to do the above using the same alchemiscale-server image the API services are deployed with:

docker run --rm -it --network alchemiscale-server_db -e NEO4J_URL=bolt://neo4j:7687 -e NEO4J_USER=<USER> -e NEO4J_PASS=<PASSWORD> \
           identity add -t user \
                        -i <user identity> \
                        -k <user key>
docker run --rm -it --network alchemiscale-server_db -e NEO4J_URL=bolt://neo4j:7687 -e NEO4J_USER=<USER> -e NEO4J_PASS=<PASSWORD> \
           identity add-scope -t user \
                              -i <user identity> \
                              -s <org-campaign-project> -s ...

The important bits here are:

--network alchemiscale-server_db

We need to make sure the docker container we are using can talk to the database container.

-e NEO4J_URL=bolt://neo4j:7687 -e NEO4J_USER=<USER> -e NEO4J_PASS=<PASSWORD>

We need to pass in these environment variables so that the container can talk to the database. These should match the values set in .env.

Performing and restoring from backups

Performing regular backups of the state store is an important operational component for any production deployment of alchemiscale. To do this, first shut down the Neo4j service so that no database processes are currently running.

The instructions below assume a Docker-based deployment, perhaps via docker-compose as in Single-host deployment with docker-compose. The same general principles apply to any deployment type, however.

Creating a database dump

With the Neo4j service shut down, navigate to the directory containing your database data, set $BACKUPS_DIR to the absolute path of your choice and $NEO4J_VERSION to the version of Neo4j you are using, then run:

# create the dump `neo4j.dump`
docker run --rm \
           -v $(pwd):/var/lib/neo4j/data \
           -v ${BACKUPS_DIR}:/tmp \
           --entrypoint /bin/bash \
           neo4j:${NEO4J_VERSION} \
           -c "neo4j-admin database dump --to-path /tmp neo4j"

# create a copy of the dump with a timestamp
cp ${BACKUPS_DIR}/neo4j.dump ${BACKUPS_DIR}/neo4j-$(date -I).dump

This will create a new database dump in the $BACKUPS_DIR directory. Note that this command will fail if neo4j.dump already exists in this directory. It is recommended to copy this file to one with a timestamp (e.g. neo4j-$(date -I).dump), as above.

Restoring from a database dump

To later restore from a database dump, navigate to the directory containing your current database data, and clear or move the current data to another location (Neo4j will not restore to a database that is already initialized).

With the Neo4j service shut down, choose $DUMP_DATE and set $NEO4J_VERSION to the version of Neo4j you are using, then run:

# create a copy of the timestamped dump to `neo4j.dump`
cp ${BACKUPS_DIR}/neo4j-${DUMP_DATE}.dump ${BACKUPS_DIR}/neo4j.dump

# load the dump `neo4j.dump`
docker run --rm \
           -v $(pwd):/var/lib/neo4j/data \
           -v ${BACKUPS_DIR}:/tmp \
           --entrypoint /bin/bash \
           neo4j:${NEO4J_VERSION} \
           -c "neo4j-admin database load --from-path=/tmp neo4j"

You may need to perform a chown -R following this operation to set correct ownership of the newly-loaded database contents.

Automating the backup process to perform regular backups without human intervention for your deployment is ideal, but out of scope for this document.

Performing upgrades and migrations

In most cases, upgrading an alchemiscale instance to a new alchemiscale release only requires re-deployment of the API and compute services with a Docker image corresponding to that new release, and informing your users to also upgrade their client environments with the latest release as well. In other cases, a migration may need to be performed on the state and/or object store to reflect schema changes, or to upgrade the state store itself to a newer version of neo4j.

This section gives specific guidance for alchemiscale release upgrades, in particular migration steps.

v0.3 to v0.4

alchemiscale v0.4 introduced a NetworkMark node and relationship for each AlchemicalNetwork, supporting the concept of network state. This change requires a migration on the state store. In addition, alchemiscale v0.4 is the first release to use neo4j 5.x, requiring a migration of existing database data from neo4j 4.x.

The instructions below assume a docker-compose-based deployment; follow them in-order to complete the data migration.

Migrate data from neo4j 4.4 to 5.18

  1. Shut down your alchemiscale instance, including neo4j. Perform a database dump as detailed above in Creating a database dump.

  2. Rename this dump to neo4j.dump.

  3. Delete the contents of the directory containing your database data; this directory contains a file called server_id.

  4. Load the dump using neo4j 5.18; $BACKUPS_DIR should be set from the database dump performed in step 1:

    export NEO4J_VERSION=5.18
    docker run --rm \
               -v $(pwd):/var/lib/neo4j/data \
               -v ${BACKUPS_DIR}:/tmp \
               --entrypoint /bin/bash \
               neo4j:${NEO4J_VERSION} \
               -c "neo4j-admin database load --from-path=/tmp neo4j"
  5. Migrate the loaded database from neo4j 4.x to 5.x:

    export NEO4J_VERSION=5.18
    docker run --rm \
               -v $(pwd):/var/lib/neo4j/data \
               -v ${BACKUPS_DIR}:/tmp \
               --entrypoint /bin/bash \
               neo4j:${NEO4J_VERSION} \
               -c "neo4j-admin database migrate --force-btree-indexes-to-range neo4j"
  6. If necessary, perform a chown -R following this operation on the database data directory to set correct ownership of the newly-loaded database contents.

Migrate schema from alchemiscale 0.3 to 0.4

  1. Set the env variable NEO4J_DOCKER_IMAGE=neo4j:5.18 in your .env file for your docker-compose deployment.

  2. Start up the neo4j service only:

    USER_ID=$(id -u) GROUP_ID=$(id -g) docker-compose up neo4j
  3. In another shell on the same host, perform the alchemiscale schema migration:

    docker run --rm -it --network alchemiscale-server_db -e NEO4J_URL=bolt://neo4j:7687 -e NEO4J_USER=<USER> -e NEO4J_PASS=<PASSWORD> \
               ghcr.io/openforcefield/alchemiscale-server:v0.4.0 \
               database migrate v03-to-v04
  4. Shut down the neo4j service (Ctrl+C of running instance in step 2), then bring up the full set of services:

    USER_ID=$(id -u) GROUP_ID=$(id -g) docker-compose up -d